Memorial Day flag to honor fallen heroes
Business & Leadership Behaviors Random Thoughts

Honoring our Heroes

This week, John O’Leary’s Monday Morning Blog reminded me of the importance of Memorial Day and what it represents.

Memorial Day was established following the Civil War to honor the men and women who had died while serving in the U.S. military.

That number was 2.5% of the U.S. population at the time of the Civil War. Today, that same percentage would represent approximately 8.4 million people.

When we think of the men and women who serve in our military, it pays to understand Article 1 of the Code of Conduct each of them commits to:

“I am an American fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life.  I am prepared to give my life in their defense.”

Those simple two sentences are the reason we have the freedoms we enjoy today as American citizens.  We may disagree on many things (and have the right to), but these men and women provide us with the opportunity for those choices.

Always remember to recognize and thank those who serve and protect us without even knowing us or having a personal relationship.

Their service even allows me to publish my weekly Postings without concern – and the freedom to express my opinions.

“Americans may not only pay tribute to our honored dead but also unite in prayer for success in our search for a just and lasting peace.”

— John F. Kennedy, “Prayer for Peace,” Memorial Day 1962

Enjoy your Summer and I pray you all have a strong remaining 2024, both personally and professionally.