Business & Leadership Behaviors

New Year – New Challenges – New Approaches

Happy New Year!

I can’t believe that another year and another decade are upon us.  It has been 21 years since the founding of HL Group, and things are getting exciting again.  With the launch of our internally developed solution, mobilePLUS, we are now a software manufacturer and system integrator.

Our previous “life” as a software reseller and system integrator for the government market was exciting, challenging and successful.  Now, as a software manufacturer, we’re delivering solutions to ALL markets.  While also exciting, it is presenting a whole new set of challenges and opportunities for growth for us.

As we kick off 2020, a here are a few of the areas that have our focus:

  • Markets – Clearly defining our markets where we can provide a unique value. This drives marketing, partnering, and ongoing product development.  It also ensures in each case that we’re validating the unique value that we bring.
  • Partners – Finding and developing select partner relationships that carry and promote our values to our focused markets. The approach is actually similar to hiring – but here we’re seeking teams that fill our go-to-market gaps and also offer the right attitude, skills and desire to learn and grow.
  • Marketing – The manner in how we provide awareness and develop our role as a solution provider is one of the biggest changes for us as an organization. Understanding the role of your website, social media and other electronic activities drives your focus, investments, and actions.  Needless to say that this has changed significantly from the approach taken in July 1998.


We have discussed many times in the past, that while a good plan is essential, it still requires patience and persistence to achieve long term success.  These two behaviors will allow you to continuous monitor, measure and adjust your plan as you learn from your efforts.  This is fundamental in your maximizing success (plus it’s a lot of fun in the process).

No matter what the current attitude is in regard to how we always did things vs. everything is electronic, business is still personal.  Whether working with a new set of marketing gurus, new partner relationships or your internal technical teams, it’s all personal.  I appreciate that challenge for my own personal learning growth even at this late stage in my life!


I wish all of your success in 2020 and in your professional – and personal lives.  Maybe we’ll get a chance this year to work together!