politicians versus software
Business & Leadership Behaviors Random Thoughts

Selecting Politicians vs. Selecting Software

Everything is changing. People are taking their comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke. –Will Rogers

Who isn’t already tired of election season and the endless media stream coming from all directions?!  It’s everywhere!  And unlike the ads that seem to stalk me after I look at a car or something – these ads could care less about my interests.  They are happy to tell me exactly what I should believe and how I should live.

As someone in the software business, I recognize that shopping for software isn’t necessarily a joy either.  While it isn’t as bad as seeking new government representation, it does have its benefits.

When looking for software, I’ve likely been proactive because I have a need now or in the near future. I’ve probably started some research, contacted some vendors, and expressed an interest. Depending on my need or urgency, I may take a slower and more thorough approach to allow not only for the best options but even delay my decision or abandon the idea altogether if it isn’t right.

It’s a little different than what feels very “in your face” on the political side.  But there are some similarities:

  • Noise – There seems to be a lot of quick announcements on why and what – in a variety of digital media and traditional marketing forms
  • Long-Term – We live with the consequences of our choices for some period of time – often years
  • Influences – There are likely groups/departments/parties providing direction that I may or may not agree
  • Reversible – We can undo the decision, but it would likely be at a considerable cost and effort

And of course, there are some distinct differences:

  • Control – You (and your team) make the decision on what, when, and even if you’ll move forward
  • Research – There are typically a wide variety of options and sources – and you can cast your net as wide as you’d like
  • Consensus – You (likely) have the opportunity to move forward when you have a decision that everyone agrees is the best – not just a majority or one voice
  • Relationship – Depending on the solution, there is often the ability to make it personal for stronger results

I love that we are a software solution manufacturer and provider with mobilePLUS. It allows me to build personal relationships with my customers and internal team, and also with those outside participants in my community who assist us.

It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. –Mark Twain

Election periods in our lives are a pain, but critical for our future.  As difficult as it can be to stay engaged, it is necessary.  We need all of us to participate, regardless of our choices, for it to work its best.  Wishing you the patience and appreciation for being a part of this great country!