Getting your asset inventory data entered into DPAS quickly and easily can seem impossible sometimes. You may have asset items all over the place. You may have different staff to conduct your inventories every time you run them. Some assets may have barcodes, some RFID, and some may have a combination (or worse – neither one). There are also those areas across your organization where you may assets located – but you don’t have any network options at all.
mobilePLUS for DPAS
Are your asset inventories for DPAS a challenge?

Using a pen & clipboard isn’t your only option
What if we told you that you could execute your inventories with a mobile device (maybe even one you already own) and communicate that information electronically back to DPAS?
What if we also told you that you could do that:
DPAS is a powerful solution used across the DOD and many federal agencies. The challenge for you may be ensuring that the asset inventory data that you provide to it is as accurate and timely as possible.
We can help.
mobilePLUS for DPAS is a complete mobile solution designed to help you to complete your inventory tasks quickly, easily, and electronically – collecting everything that DPAS needs and communicating that information directly into DPAS.
How does mobilePLUS for DPAS work?
If you’ve imagined an inventory without spreadsheets, data errors, recounts, arguments, and headaches
– then you’ll definitely want to take a closer look at mobilePLUS for DPAS.
Why use mobilePLUS for DPAS?
The philosophy that started mobilePLUS is to put people at the center of the solution approach. In our twenty years as a team, it has been our mission to make lives easier for the people tasked with doing data collection work – and the people tasked with using that the data after the input.
mobilePLUS for DPAS is focused on the ease of the task and the integrity of the data. These two elements go hand in hand when it comes to ensuring that your DPAS solution contains accurate information for your organization.