Bowling Ball & Pins - knocking down challenges
Business & Leadership Behaviors Technical & Industry Thoughts

4 Challenges that can be Met with Better Asset Management

As we navigate the second half of 2022 and look at 2023, most of us are facing numerous challenges in our organizations.

Believe it or not – your business assets offer a key area where you can have a positive impact on addressing these challenges.  After all, they play a huge part in operating costs.

Here are just four areas where asset optimization efforts can knock down some of those challenges:

  • Inflation – With rising costs and scarcity of materials, we need to ensure we’re maximizing the use of our assets – and minimizing replacement costs. The “just buy another one” days are behind us – we need to be smart with what we have.
  • Labor Challenges – Expanding our staff resources right now is an uphill battle. Any way we can support our teams without distracting their efforts is a win.  That includes ensuring they have the assets and tools they need when they need them & where they need them, and in the condition they need to be in – rather than making them hunt them down.
  • Remote/Hybrid Workforce – The pandemic has introduced a number of changes in our workforce deployment from in-house to remote to a hybrid model. All of which require new and flexible ways for us to manage the assets in our team’s possession.
  • Solution Availability – Problems today need solutions today. Waiting months for the solutions we need to help us navigate issues is not an option.  We need secure solutions that can be stood up quickly – without disrupting your whole operation (remember those labor challenges?).

Continue to grow and evolve. ̴ Mahatma Gandhi

Solution Meets Challenges

As an Asset Management Solution guy, I’m a little biased here.  But in my experience, the key to successfully meeting these challenges lies in utilizing your existing environment, procedures, and investments as much as possible.  An effective asset solution should support this approach.

Optimizing your asset investment and labor utilization while improving results is the goal of every automation solution – and ours is no exception.

Let us show you how we can help you get the most out of your asset investment spend with mobilePLUS – and impact each of those challenges noted earlier.

Our current mobilePLUS solution complements the latest ERP solutions like Workday, leverages a variety of mobile devices, including smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy, offers improved RFID technology out of the box, and does all of this in a hosted (SOC2 Certified) environment.  This allows us to have you up and running in days – not months.

Contact Us to Learn More

With over twenty years of solution experience assisting organizations ranging in size from worldwide, multi-site operations, or a single university user, we’ve had the pleasure of making a difference.

Let us put you in stronger control of millions of dollars of your organization’s investments while providing the potential to improve operational results – and do so with fewer disruptions.  We’re confident we can provide a positive return within the first full quarter implemented.