The Why Behind Asset Inventory Management Solutions
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The Why Behind Asset Inventory Management Solutions

Early in our discussions with potential clients, we begin by focusing on the what, the why, and the how—the basic questions used for many organizational decisions. Each question is equally important when it comes to better managing the millions of dollars invested in your organization’s assets.

“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.  Tactics without a strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Today, I want to focus on The Why.

The “Why” typically comes down to the business case for investing in better asset management and visibility. Three of the most common reasons behind the business case that we hear are substantial asset investment, the need for better utilization, and risk avoidance.

Each of these benefits from the results delivered with our mobilePLUS solution.

  • Ownership Awareness—This is having the data on all the assets the organization owns. Many studies have shown that a high percentage of asset investments are frequently not recorded or tracked.
  • Accuracy of Information – Another great value is being able to trust the information you have about your assets. One of the primary tasks of an initial mobilePLUS inventory is “cleaning up” the data.  Ongoing use makes it easy to maintain that accuracy going forward.
  • Knowledge of Location – If you can’t find it, you can use it. Having a real-time awareness of where things are, where they have been and then updating as things change is critical for maximum utilization and mitigating other potential risks.

The investments you’ve already made in your assets can contain a great deal of value. Why wouldn’t you look to harvest it?

We’d appreciate an opportunity to discuss your Why and show you how we can help you get more out of your asset investments.