A large university with multiple locations across the state that conducts annual audits of their fixed assets for their ERP.
Updated Asset Inventory Approach for ERP
This university had a legacy mobile inventory solution for inventoring their fixed assets. Their desire was an upgrade to a newer solution that had increased functionality and a tighter integration with their ERP financial system.
Some additional challenges were that the university organized of all their assets into a single cost center and inventory during the inventory process for a large file to manage. They also had some very strict security guidelines for bringing on new applications and the use of mobile devices on their campuses that had a direct ERP connectivity.
We implemented our mobilePLUS solution that was tightly integrated with their ERP financial system. This enables them to use their existing tools in their ERP for the creation, tracking and reconciliation of the mobile audits versus the batch approach their legacy system required. We added some additional filters so that they could keep track of previous work completed and more rapidly identify those items still needed to be counted. Our architecture made the eventual integration with their ERP and network environment an easy exercise to meet their organizational security requirements for new applications remotely attached.
The mobilePLUS solution was able to accomplish all their goals of an easier approach to conducting their fiscal inventories, in addition to completing them sooner with fewer resources. This has enabled them to work any uncovered issue much sooner and more time to resolve. A key feature is this entire implementation and ongoing support has all been accomplish with no onsite requirements.